在properties 窗口右下“NEW” 点开,选择others
在弹出的窗口的property name 项上,选择:tsvn:logtemplate
保存后,重新commit 一个修改的文件 ,提交窗口会出现刚才设置的log 格式。
svn 强制提交日志
适用钩子脚本:svn -> hooks -> pre-commit (commit 前触发执行的脚本),当svn 有commit 请求时,会触发执行pre-commit(shell脚本),当这个脚本以非0退出时,中断commit , 当脚本正常退出时,允许commit.
进入版本库配置目录hooks ,可见模板 pre-commit.tmpl ,复制为pre-commit 。
root@tclserver:/var/svn/svn_dir/Auto_script/hooks# ll
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3350 Apr 6 2017 pre-commit*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3510 Feb 6 2017 pre-commit.tmpl*
pre-commit.tmpl 原模板的内容分析
- #
- # The pre-commit hook is invoked before a Subversion txn is
- # committed. Subversion runs this hook by invoking a program
- # (script, executable, binary, etc.) named 'pre-commit' (for which
- # this file is a template), with the following ordered arguments:
- #
- # [1] REPOS-PATH (the path to this repository)
- # [2] TXN-NAME (the name of the txn about to be committed)
- # ........
- REPOS="$1"
- TXN="$2"
- # Make sure that the log message contains some text.
- SVNLOOK=/usr/bin/svnlook
- $SVNLOOK log -t "$TXN" "$REPOS" | \
- grep "[a-zA-Z0-9]" > /dev/null |
--通过在WORKING COPY (本地工作副本) 里增删改的提交(COMMIT)来改变版本库的内容, 通过更新(UPDATE)到WORKING COPY来获取他人的提交。每一次提交新增一个全局版本号。每个版本号代表着当前版本库的一个全局版本。
--支持钩子脚本 : 与许多版本库版本控制系统一样,SVN 也支持hook 脚本:即在特定事件触发之前或之前执行的特定操作 。比如在 commit 之前执行检测 message 命令 。在 commit 之后执行发送邮件命令。
参考 http://subversion.apache.org/packages.html
- $ apt-get install subversion
- $ apt-get install libapache2-svn
- mkdir /var/svn/Auto_script
- svnadmin create /var/svn/Auto_script
一个 SVN 版本库初始化之后,会有在目录下生成一些配置目录。
authz hooks-env.tmpl passwd svnserve.confdb/:
current fsfs.conf locks rep-cache.db revs txn-current txn-protorevs write-lock
format fs-type min-unpacked-rev revprops transactions txn-current-lock uuidhooks/:
post-commit.tmpl post-revprop-change.tmpl pre-commit pre-lock.tmpl pre-unlock.tmpl
post-lock.tmpl post-unlock.tmpl pre-commit.tmpl pre-revprop-change.tmpl start-commit.tmpllocks/:
svnadmin dump --help
用法 :svnadmin dump REPOS_PATH [-r LOWER[:UPPER] [--incremental]]
[-r LOWER[:UPPER] 指定备份一个区间的版本:-r 0:30
[--incremental]] 增量备份一个区间的版本:-r 31:32 --incremental ,加上这个选项,增量备份才能追加在之前的备份上。
This subcommand makes a full “hot” backup of your repository, including all hooks, configuration files, and, of course, database files. If you pass the
option, svnadminwill perform a hot copy of your repository, and then remove unused Berkeley DB logs from the original repository. You can run this command at any time and make a safe copy of the repository, regardless of whether other processes are using the repository.
svnadmin hotcopy --help
Make a hot copy of a repository.
If --incremental is passed, data which already exists at the destination
is not copied again. Incremental mode is implemented for FSFS repositories.Valid options:
--clean-logs : remove redundant Berkeley DB log files
from source repository [Berkeley DB]
--incremental : dump or hotcopy incrementall // 增量
- svnadmin hotcopy <Depot_Path> <Backup_Path > --clean-logs --incremental
- cd /var/svn/svn_dir
- #切到版本库上层目录
- svnlook
svn 自带的merge 工具 可以更换为我们熟悉的Beyond-Compare 或其他比对工具
右击菜单 setting -> Diff Viewer -> Merge Tool -> External 填写本机compare 工具的安装路径
例如:C:\Program Files (x86)\Beyond Compare 3\BCompare.exe