POJ3693 Maximum repetition substring
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The repetition number of a string is defined as the maximum number R such that the string can be partitioned into R same consecutive substrings. For example, the repetition number of "ababab" is 3 and "ababa" is 1.

Given a string containing lowercase letters, you are to find a substring of it with maximum repetition number.


The input consists of multiple test cases. Each test case contains exactly one line, which
gives a non-empty string consisting of lowercase letters. The length of the string will not be greater than 100,000.

The last test case is followed by a line containing a '#'.


For each test case, print a line containing the test case number( beginning with 1) followed by the substring of maximum repetition number. If there are multiple substrings of maximum repetition number, print the lexicographically smallest one.

Sample Input


Sample Output

Case 1: ababab
Case 2: aa









这样我们直接枚举x,再每一次O(n/x)计算,总复杂度就是O(n log n)的。







bac bac bac bac ba


我们可以把这些串都找出来,可以证明,一个串所有的大循环串(x=1~n)是O(n log n)的。

#define For(i, a, b) for(register int i = a; i <= b; ++i)
#define Down(i, a, b) for(register int i = a; i >= b; --i)
using namespace std;
const int maxn = 1e5 + 5;
char s[maxn];
int ccnt;

namespace pre {
	int low[maxn], ST[20][maxn];
	int SA[maxn], SA2[maxn << 1], H[maxn], RK[maxn << 1], tot[maxn];
	void Rsort(int n, int mx) {
		For(i, 1, mx) tot[i] = 0;
		For(i, 1, n) ++tot[RK[i]];
		For(i, 1, mx) tot[i] += tot[i - 1];
		Down(i, n, 1) SA[tot[RK[SA2[i]]]--] = SA2[i];
	inline bool cmp(int x, int y, int l) {
		return SA2[x] == SA2[y] && SA2[x + l] == SA2[y + l];
	int Create(char *s) {
		int n = strlen(s + 1);
		For(i, 1, n) RK[i] = s[i], SA2[i] = i;
		Rsort(n, 128);
		for(register int l = 1, p = 0; l < n; l <<= 1) {
			p = 0;
			For(i, n - l + 1, n) SA2[++p] = i;
			For(i, 1, n) if(SA[i] > l) SA2[++p] = SA[i] - l;
			Rsort(n, p), swap(SA2, RK), RK[SA[1]] = p = 1;
			For(i, 2, n) RK[SA[i]] = (cmp(SA[i], SA[i - 1], l)) ? p : ++p;
		for(register int i = 1, k = 0, j; i <= n; H[RK[i++]] = k)
			for(k ? --k : k, j = SA[RK[i] - 1]; s[i + k] == s[j + k]; ++k);
		For(i, 1, n) ST[0][i] = H[i];
		low[1] = 0;
		for(register int i = 2; i <= n; ++i)
			low[i] = low[(i + 1) / 2] + 1;
		for(register int i = 1, p = 1; i < n; i <<= 1, ++p)
			for(register int j = i; j <= n; ++j)
				ST[p][j] = min(ST[p - 1][j], ST[p - 1][j - i]);
		return n;
	inline int Query(int l, int r) {
		int len = low[r - l + 1];
		return min(ST[len][l + (1 << len) - 1], ST[len][r]);
	int lcp(int x, int y) {
		if(RK[x] > RK[y]) swap(x, y);
		return Query(RK[x] + 1, RK[y]);

namespace suf {
	int low[maxn], ST[20][maxn];
	int SA[maxn], SA2[maxn << 1], H[maxn], RK[maxn << 1], tot[maxn];
	void Rsort(int n, int mx) {
		For(i, 1, mx) tot[i] = 0;
		For(i, 1, n) ++tot[RK[i]];
		For(i, 1, mx) tot[i] += tot[i - 1];
		Down(i, n, 1) SA[tot[RK[SA2[i]]]--] = SA2[i];
	inline bool cmp(int x, int y, int l) {
		return SA2[x] == SA2[y] && SA2[x + l] == SA2[y + l];
	int Create(char *s) {
		int n = strlen(s + 1);
		For(i, 1, n) RK[i] = s[i], SA2[i] = i;
		Rsort(n, 128);
		for(register int l = 1, p = 0; l < n; l <<= 1) {
			p = 0;
			For(i, n - l + 1, n) SA2[++p] = i;
			For(i, 1, n) if(SA[i] > l) SA2[++p] = SA[i] - l;
			Rsort(n, p), swap(SA2, RK), RK[SA[1]] = p = 1;
			For(i, 2, n) RK[SA[i]] = (cmp(SA[i], SA[i - 1], l)) ? p : ++p;
		for(register int i = 1, k = 0, j; i <= n; H[RK[i++]] = k)
			for(k ? --k : k, j = SA[RK[i] - 1]; s[i + k] == s[j + k]; ++k);
		For(i, 1, n) ST[0][i] = H[i];
		low[1] = 0;
		for(register int i = 2; i <= n; ++i)
			low[i] = low[(i + 1) / 2] + 1;
		for(register int i = 1, p = 1; i < n; i <<= 1, ++p)
			for(register int j = i; j <= n; ++j)
				ST[p][j] = min(ST[p - 1][j], ST[p - 1][j - i]);
		return n;
	inline int Query(int l, int r) {
		int len = low[r - l + 1];
		return min(ST[len][l + (1 << len) - 1], ST[len][r]);
	int lcp(int x, int y) {
		if(RK[x] > RK[y]) swap(x, y);
		return Query(RK[x] + 1, RK[y]);

int u, v, ans, con, lst, flag = 0;
int al, ar, L, R, nl, nr, nans;
int main() {
	//freopen("test.txt", "r", stdin);
	//freopen("test.out", "w", stdout);
	int t = 0;
	while(++t) {
		flag = 0, ans = 0;
		scanf("%s", s + 1);
		if(s[1] == '#') break;
		int n = pre::Create(s);
		reverse(s + 1, s + n + 1);
		reverse(s + 1, s + n + 1);
		for(register int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
			L = lst = con = 0; 
			for(register int l = i + 1, r = i + i; l <= n; l += i, r += i) {
				u = pre::lcp(l, l - i);
				if(r <= n) v = suf::lcp(n - r + 1, n - r + i + 1);
				nans = 0;
				if(u >= i && r < n) {
				} else {
					nr = l + u - 1;
					nl = nr - ((con + 1) * i) - u - lst + 1;
					lst = v;
					if((nr - nl + 1) / i < 2) continue;
					nans = ((nr - nl + 1) / i);
					if(nans > ans) {
						ans = nans, al = nl, ar = nl + nans * i - 1;
						for(register int j = nl + 1; j + nans * i - 1 <= nr; ++j)
							if(pre::RK[al] > pre::RK[j])
								al = j, ar = j + nans * i - 1;
					} else if(nans == ans)
						for(register int j = nl; j + nans * i - 1 <= nr; ++j)
							if(pre::RK[al] > pre::RK[j])
								al = j, ar = j + nans * i - 1;
					con = 0;
		printf("Case %d: ", t);
		for(register int i = al; i <= ar; ++i)
	return 0;

上一篇: POJ 3608 Bridge Across Islands

下一篇: HDU5608 function

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