洛谷P3514 [POI2011]LIZ-Lollipop
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Byteasar runs a confectionery in Byteburg.

Strawberry-vanilla flavoured lollipops are the favourite of local children.

These lollipops are composed of multiple segments of the same length, each segment of either strawberry or vanilla flavour.

The price of the lollipop is the sum of the values of its segments, where a vanilla segment costs one bythaler, while a strawberry segments costs two.

Fig. 1: An exemplary lollipop of five segments, three strawberry flavoured and two vanilla, alternately.

The price of this lollipop is 88 bythalers.

Currently Byteasar is left with only one lollipop, though possibly very long.

As a salesman, he knows only too well that probably no one will want to buy the whole lollipop. For this reason he thinks of breaking the lollipop at the joints of the segments in order to get a shorter lollipop. Each fragment for sale, of course, must stay in one piece.

Byteasar vast experience of a salesman, as well as his understanding of children psychology, tell him that his young customers will most likely want to spend all their money on a single lollipop. With this in mind, he wonders for which values of kk the lollipop he has can be broken down in such a way that as a result one would get, among other pieces, a lollipop worth exactly kk bythalers.

Naturally, he is interested in the way of breaking the lollipop as well.

As this task overwhelms him, he asks you for help.





In the first line of the standard input there are two integers nn and mm ( 1n,m1 000 000 ), separated by a single space.

These denote, respectively, the number of segments of the last lollipop left in store, and the number of values of kk to consider.

The lollipop's segments are numbered from 1 to nn .

The second line gives an nn -letter description of the lollipop, consisting of letters T and W, where T denotes a strawberry flavoured segment, while W - vanilla flavoured;the ii -th of these letters specifies the flavour of the ii -th segment.

In the following mm lines successive values of kk ( 1k2 000 000 ) to consider are given, one per line.




Your program should print out exactly mm lines, giving, one per line, the results for successive values of kk , to the standard output.

If for a given value of kk it is impossible to break the lollipop in such a way that there is a contiguous fragment worth exactly kk bythalers, then the word NIE (no in Polish) should be printed. Otherwise, two integers ll and rr ( n1lrn ), separated by single spaces, should be printed, such that the fragment of the lollipop composed of the segments numbered from ll to rr inclusively is worth exactly kk bythalers. If there are multiple such pairs, your program is free to choose one arbitrarily.



输入样例#1: 复制
5 3
输出样例#1: 复制
1 3
2 2






考虑让一个数减少2 。如果当前区间左边或右边有一个2,我们移动不选这个2就可以了 。那么如果没有2呢?那么左右两边一定是两个1,同时向中间移动即可。



using namespace std;
const int maxn = 1e6 + 5;
char s[maxn];
int n, m, u, iodd, sum, cnt1, cnt2, l[2], r[2], evod[2];
int pre[maxn], Al[maxn], Ar[maxn];

void Shrink(int x, int l, int r) {
    while(1) {
        Al[x] = l, Ar[x] = r;
        if(s[l] == 2) ++l;
        else if(s[r] == 2) --r;
        else if(l < r - 1) ++l, --r;
        else return x -= 2, Al[x] = l, Ar[x] = r, void();
        x -= 2;

int main() {
    scanf("%d%d", &n, &m);
    scanf("%s", s + 1);
    for(register int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
        if(s[i] == 'T') s[i] = 2, ++cnt2;
        else s[i] = 1, ++cnt1;
        sum += s[i];
    iodd = bool(sum & 1);
    evod[iodd] = sum, l[iodd] = 1, r[iodd] = n;
    for(register int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) 
        pre[i] = pre[i - 1] + s[i];
    for(register int i = n; i >= 1; --i)
        if((pre[i] & 1) == !iodd) 
            {evod[iodd ^ 1] = pre[i], l[iodd ^ 1] = 1, r[iodd ^ 1] = i; break ;}
    for(register int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
        if(((pre[n] - pre[i - 1]) & 1) == !iodd)
            if(evod[iodd ^ 1] < pre[n] - pre[i - 1]) {
                evod[iodd ^ 1] = pre[n] - pre[i - 1];
                l[iodd ^ 1] = i, r[iodd ^ 1] = n; break ;
    Shrink(evod[0], l[0], r[0]);
    Shrink(evod[1], l[1], r[1]);
    Al[0] = Ar[0] = 0;
    for(register int i = 1; i <= m; ++i) {
        scanf("%d", &u);
        if(Al[u]) printf("%d %d\n", Al[u], Ar[u]);
        else printf("NIE\n");
    return 0;

上一篇: BZOJ4271:chemistry 化学

下一篇: 洛谷P3458 [POI2007]SKA-Rock Garden

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