We consider the distance between positive integers in this problem, defined as follows.
A single operation consists in either multiplying a given number by a prime number1 or dividing it by a prime number (if it does divide without a remainder).
The distance between the numbers and
, denoted
, is the minimum number of operations it takes to transform the number
into the number
For example, .
Observe that the function is indeed a distance function - for any positive integers
the following hold:
the distance between a number and itself is 0: , the distance from
is the same as from
, and the triangle inequality holds:
A sequence of positive integers,
, is given.
For each number we have to determine
such that
is minimal.
In the first line of standard input there is a single integer (
In the following lines the numbers
) are given, one per line.
In tests worth 30% of total point it additionally holds that .
Your program should print exactly lines to the standard output, a single integer in each line.
The -th line should give the minimum
such that:
is minimal.
#include<cstdio> #include<algorithm> #include<cstring> using namespace std; const int maxn = 1e6 + 5, inf = 0x3f3f3f3f; int n, pos[maxn], a[maxn], tot[maxn], ord[maxn][2], N = 1e6; int pri[maxn], vis[maxn], fac[maxn], mn[maxn], ans[maxn], num[maxn], Min = inf; int pans[maxn]; int ans1 = inf, ans1p; void GPri(int n) { vis[1] = 1; for(register int i = 2; i <= n; ++i) { if(!vis[i]) pri[++pri[0]] = i, fac[i] = 1; for(register int j = 1; j <= pri[0] && i * pri[j] <= n; ++j) { vis[i * pri[j]] = 1, fac[i * pri[j]] = fac[i] + 1; if(i % pri[j] == 0) break; } } } int Gpos(int a, int i) { return ord[a][0] == i ? ord[a][1] : ord[a][0]; } int main() { scanf("%d", &n), GPri(N); memset(ans, 0x3f, sizeof(ans)); memset(pans, 0x3f, sizeof(pans)); for(register int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) { scanf("%d", &a[i]), ++tot[a[i]]; if(ans1 > fac[a[i]] && a[i] != 1) ans1 = fac[a[i]], ans1p = a[i]; if(!ord[a[i]][0]) ord[a[i]][0] = i; else if(!ord[a[i]][1]) ord[a[i]][1] = i; } for(register int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) for(register int j = 1; j * i <= N; ++j) if(tot[j * i]) if(pans[i] > fac[i] + fac[j]) pans[i] = fac[i] + fac[j], mn[i] = i * j; else if(pans[i] == fac[i] + fac[j] && ord[i * j][0] < ord[mn[i]][0]) mn[i] = i * j; for(register int i = 1; i <= N; ++i) for(register int j = 1; j * i <= N; ++j) { if(mn[i] == i * j && tot[i * j] == 1) continue; if(!mn[i]) continue; if(ans[i * j] > (fac[mn[i] / i] + fac[j])) ans[i * j] = (fac[mn[i] / i] + fac[j]), num[i * j] = mn[i]; else if(ans[i * j] == (fac[mn[i] / i] + fac[j]) && Gpos(mn[i], -1) < Gpos(num[i * j], -1)) ans[i * j] = (fac[mn[i] / i] + fac[j]), num[i * j] = mn[i]; if(tot[i * j] && ans[mn[i]] > (fac[mn[i] / i] + fac[j])) ans[mn[i]] = (fac[mn[i] / i] + fac[j]), num[mn[i]] = i * j; else if(tot[i * j] && ans[mn[i]] == (fac[mn[i] / i] + fac[j]) && Gpos(i * j, -1) < Gpos(num[mn[i]], -1)) ans[mn[i]] = (fac[mn[i] / i] + fac[j]), num[mn[i]] = i * j; } if(!num[1]) num[1] = ans1p; for(register int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) printf("%d\n", Gpos(num[a[i]], i)); return 0; }
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