标签 - Atcoder

? 解题记录 ? ? Atcoder ? ? 动态规划 ? ? 构造 ?    2018-07-15 11:00:04    765    0    0
    Problem StatementTaichi thinks a binary string X of odd length N is beautiful if it is possible to apply the following operation  N−12 times so that the only character of the resulting string is 1 :  Choose three consecutive&n
? 解题记录 ? ? Atcoder ? ? 堆 ? ? 贪心 ? ? 并查集 ?    2018-07-15 10:47:36    1145    0    0
Problem StatementSnuke has a rooted tree with N vertices, numbered 1 through N. Vertex 1 is the root of the tree, and the parent of Vertex i ( 2≤i≤N ) is Vertex Pi ( Pi<i ). There is a number, 0 or 1, writte
? 解题记录 ? ? Atcoder ? ? 组合数 ?    2018-07-13 23:08:24    1243    0    0
Problem StatementIn Republic of AtCoder, Snuke Chameleons (Family: Chamaeleonidae, Genus: Bartaberia) are very popular pets. Ringo keeps N" data-mce-tabindex="0">NN Snuke Chameleons in a cage. A Snuke Chameleon that has not eaten anything is blue. It changes its color according to the f
? 解题记录 ? ? Atcoder ? ? 动态规划 ?    2018-07-13 22:49:19    1207    0    0
Problem StatementFind the number of the possible tuples of sequences (A0,A1,…,AN) that satisfy all of the following conditions, modulo M: For every i (0≤i≤N), Ai is a sequence of length i consisting of integers between 1 and K (inclusi
? 解题记录 ? ? Atcoder ? ? 线段树 ?    2018-07-13 22:38:40    826    0    0
Problem StatementWe have a sequence A of length N. On this sequence, we can perform the following two kinds of operations: Swap two adjacent elements. Select one element, and increment it by 1. We will repeatedly perform these operations so that A will be a non-decreasi