[PPC] mathGame - CirQ xp0int Posted on Mar 12 2018 ? PPC ? ? math game ? 差不多暴力破解过去的一道题,很有《最强大脑》的风格,分几个步骤: 根据题目确定A是 $xy$ 平面后,需要把其他五个平面中点的坐标映射到以A面为参考系的坐标中。方法是将每个平面的边和A的四条边匹配,这样就能确定包括A在内的五个平面,然后第六个平面也出来了。匹配的过程是对B-F平面做等效变换,可以避免对四条边的匹配顺序无从下手。一共使用了八种变换,分别是:无旋转、水平翻转、垂直翻转、顺时针旋转90、180、270度、沿主对角线翻转、副对角线翻转。实现时用了一些函数式编程的特性,如lambda、reduce等。 确定了每个点的坐标后,就是找出特殊的7个数字,题目给出了两条规则,奇偶和是否质数,其实第五题有另外一条隐藏规则:有7个数字是9位数,其他都是10位数,也很容易找到这个规则。这一步就能确定7个特殊点的坐标了。 最后要找出符合要求的两条直线,7个点两两配对能够得到21条直线,这里我用的表示方法是空间直线的点斜式,记录一个方向向量和一个过该直线的点(实际上两个点都记录了),回忆下高数的知识,应该不难。先找两条直线是否垂直,用点乘等于0判断。最后一步很坑,要找的是两条直线共同经过的方块,而不是相交的,没找到定量的方法计算,只用了近似的算法,也因此挺多回答是错误的,但暴力多跑几遍总能有一次五道题全过的(实际上大概跑了10次吧23333)。 近似的算法是枚举内部的 $5^3=125$个点,计算它们到这两条直线的距离之和,把值最小的那一个点作为答案。这里涉及到计算点到空间直线的距离,例如点C到直线AB的距离,等于两倍三角形ABC的面积除以AB的长度,实际上代码用了其他计算方法。 直接贴代码,代码中用到了思考过程中的自定义变量,可能不是很直观,有希望详细了解的可以来直接找我(虽然应该是没有的233333)。 ```python from pwn import * from hashlib import sha256 from string import * from math import sqrt from itertools import product, combinations from sympy import isprime import re context.log_level = 'debug' r7 = range(7) def enter(sh): # 工作量证明 condition = sh.recvuntil('str\n\n').split()[0] def POW(x): r = condition.replace('str', '"'+x+'"') return eval(r) == True postfix = util.iters.mbruteforce(POW, ascii_letters+digits, 5) sh.sendline(postfix) number_re = re.compile(r'\d{10}') surface_re = re.compile(r'\s+[A-F][\s\S]+?\*{5,}\s') def getsurfaces(sh, ret): # 通过正则表达式匹配得到数据 allinone = sh.recvuntil('answer:') for s, surface in zip(uppercase[:6], surface_re.findall(allinone)): numbers = number_re.findall(surface) surface = [[None for i in r7] for j in r7] for order, number in enumerate(numbers): i, j = order % 7, 6 - order / 7 surface[i][j] = number ret[s] = surface[:] return ret nrot = lambda m: m[:] hrot = lambda m: m[::-1] vrot = lambda m: [x[::-1] for x in m] rot90 = lambda m: [x[::-1] for x in zip(*m)] rot180 = lambda m: rot90(rot90(m)) rot270 = lambda m: rot180(rot90(m)) trot = lambda m: zip(*m) rtrot = lambda m: hrot(rot90(m)) transitions = [nrot, hrot, vrot, rot90, rot180, rot270, trot, rtrot] # 分别匹配边,b-f是除A面之外五个面的别称,不解释了 def check_b(sA, s): for trans in transitions: sp = trans(s) if reduce(lambda x,r:sA[x][0]==sp[x][6] and r, r7, True): # 一行代码匹配七个坐标点,算是比较优雅的写法了 return sp def check_c(sA, s): for trans in transitions: sp = trans(s) if reduce(lambda y,r:sA[0][y]==sp[6][y] and r, r7, True): return sp def check_d(sC, s): for trans in transitions: sp = trans(s) if reduce(lambda y,r:sC[0][y]==sp[0][y] and r, r7, True): return sp def check_e(sA, s): for trans in transitions: sp = trans(s) if reduce(lambda x,r:sA[x][6]==sp[x][6] and r, r7, True): return sp def check_f(sA, s): for trans in transitions: sp = trans(s) if reduce(lambda y,r:sA[6][y]==sp[6][y] and r, r7, True): return sp def getpuzzle(sh): # 获取六个面的数据并做坐标转换,得到的puzzle是一个三维数组 sh.recvregex(r'={5,}[\s\S]+={5,}\s') puzzle = [[[None for i in r7] for j in r7] for k in r7] surfaces = getsurfaces(sh, {}) for x, y in product(r7, r7): puzzle[x][y][0] = int(surfaces['A'][x][y]) for s, surface in surfaces.items(): if s == 'A' or not surface: continue b = check_b(surfaces['A'], surface) if b: for x, y in product(r7, r7): puzzle[x][0][6-y] = int(b[x][y]) surfaces[s] = {} break for s, surface in surfaces.items(): if s == 'A' or not surface: continue c = check_c(surfaces['A'], surface) if c: for x, y in product(r7, r7): puzzle[0][y][6-x] = int(c[x][y]) surfaces[s] = {} break for s, surface in surfaces.items(): if s == 'A' or not surface: continue d = check_d(c, surface) if d: for x, y in product(r7, r7): puzzle[x][y][6] = int(d[x][y]) surfaces[s] = {} break for s, surface in surfaces.items(): if s == 'A' or not surface: continue e = check_e(surfaces['A'], surface) if e: for x, y in product(r7, r7): puzzle[x][6][6-y] = int(e[x][y]) surfaces[s] = {} break for s, surface in surfaces.items(): if s == 'A' or not surface: continue f = check_f(surfaces['A'], surface) if f: for x, y in product(r7, r7): puzzle[6][y][6-x] = int(f[x][y]) surfaces[s] = {} break return puzzle def parity_and_primarity_test(mp): # 检测奇偶等条件,一共五种情况 odd = [cor for cor, d in mp.items() if d and d%2==1] if len(odd) == 7: return odd even = [cor for cor, d in mp.items() if d and d%2==0] if len(even) == 7: return even prime = [cor for cor, d in mp.items() if d and isprime(d)] if len(prime) == 7: return prime compo = [cor for cor, d in mp.items() if d and (cor not in prime)] if len(compo) == 7: return compo less = [cor for cor, d in mp.items() if d and len(str(d))<10] if len(less) == 7: return less return [] r5 = range(1, 6) def distance(c, a, b): # 计算点c到空间直线ab的距离 ab2 = (a[0]-b[0])**2 + (a[1]-b[1])**2 + (a[2]-b[2])**2 ac2 = (a[0]-c[0])**2 + (a[1]-c[1])**2 + (a[2]-c[2])**2 cb2 = (c[0]-b[0])**2 + (c[1]-b[1])**2 + (c[2]-b[2])**2 cosa2 = (ab2 + ac2 - cb2)**2 / (4.0 * ac2 * ab2) return sqrt(ac2 * (1 - cosa2)) def calintersect(points): # 得到21条直线,计算共同经过点的坐标 lines = [] for p, q in combinations(points, 2): lines.append((p[0]-q[0], p[1]-q[1], p[2]-q[2], p, q)) ret = (None, 1000.0) for l1, l2 in combinations(lines, 2): if l1[0]*l2[0]+l1[1]*l2[1]+l1[2]*l2[2] == 0: least = (None, 1000.0) for point in product(r5, r5, r5): dist = distance(point, l1[3], l1[4]) + distance(point, l2[3], l2[4]) if dist < least[1]: least = (point, dist) if least[1] < ret[1]: ret = least return ret[0] def solvepuzzle(puzzle): # 输入三维数组,输出最接近的一个坐标点 mapping = {} for i, j, k in product(r7, r7, r7): number = puzzle[i][j][k] mapping[(i, j, k)] = number p = parity_and_primarity_test(mapping) if p: print p assert len(p) == 7 cloest = calintersect(p) return cloest def sendresult(sh, r): # 发送答案的封装函数 sh.recvuntil('x:') sh.sendline(str(r[0])) sh.recvuntil('y:') sh.sendline(str(r[1])) sh.recvuntil('z:') sh.sendline(str(r[2])) def attemp(sh): # 一次游戏有五道题 for _ in range(5): pzl = getpuzzle(sh) clst = solvepuzzle(pzl) sendresult(sh, clst) def session(sh): # 一个完整的游戏过程,包括工作量证明和最后的切换输入流 enter(sh) attemp(sh) sh.interactive() def wrapper(): # 由于答案会错,要进行多次尝试,这里用递归的方式做重复执行 try: p = remote('', 11011) session(p) except EOFError: p.shutdown() wrapper() wrapper() ``` 比赛环境现在应该不能用,就不写flag了hhhhhhh。 打赏还是打残,这是个问题 赏 Wechat Pay Alipay [Misc] Lipstick - 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