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SGX(Software Guard eXtensions) install and develop config guide
2021-01-19 19:24:53
**n年前研究的SGX,所有的都有缘分吧** # 参考 [1] [Intel SGX新技术学习研究引导手册]( [2] [SGX downloads sites]( [3] [SGX linux配置]( [ubuntu 16.04.3下载]( [4] [eclipse for C++ Mars 1]( [5] [CDT downloads]( # SGX linux-OS install --- **NOTE** - 6th Generation Intel Core Processor or newer - i7-4790 是第四代 - Intel SGX option enabled in BIOS --- ## 1. pre-condition - three binary installers packaged separately - SGX driver - PSW(SGX platform software) - SGX SDK - the following OS - ubuntu 16.04.3 64-bit Desktop and Server - Red Hat 7.4 64-bit 企业版 - Centos*7.4.1708 64 bits - SuSe 企业版Server 12 64 bits - SGX PSW about ubuntu 16.04 - sudo apt-get install libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libprotobuf-dev - SGX SDK about ubuntu 16.04 - sudo apt-get install build-essential python - To use trusted platform service,install the following - Ensure mei_me driver is enabled and /dev/mei0 exists - Download [iclsClient]( and install the following commands: - ubuntu 16.04 ``` sudo apt-get install alien sudo alien --scripts iclsClient-1.45.449.12-1.x86_64.rpm sudo dpkg -i iclsClient_1.45.449.12-2_amd64.deb ``` - Download source code from the [dynamic-application-loader-host-interface]( project.In the source code folder build and install the JHI service using the following commands: - ubuntu 16.04 ``` sudo apt-get install uuid-dev libxml2-dev cmake pkg-config cmake .;make;sudo make install;sudo systemctl enable jhi ``` ## 2.Installation install the three packages in following order: - ① SGX driver ``` sudo ./sgx_linux_x64_driver.bin ``` in */opt/intel/sgxdriver* dir ** - ② SGX PSW ``` sudo ./sgx_linux_<os>_x64_psw_<version>.bin ``` - include user space libraries such as uRTS and AESM-->/usr/lib - AESM and AE libraries --> /opt/intel/sgxpsw/aesm - AESM service as a system daemon-->/var/opt/aesmd - http proxy server for the AESM service -->/etc/aesmd.conf(example on how to setup the proxy but it is commented out) - under the /opt/intel/sgxpsw - ③ SGX SDK ``` ./sgx_linux_<os>_x64_sdk_<version>.bin ``` - install in the current directory *[input dir]/sgxsdk* - source [input dir]/sgxsdk/enviroment设置环境变量 - -->[input dir]/sgxsdk - 建议安装在/opt/intel路径 - 环境变量设置/etc/profile --- **NOTE** - PSW install the user space libraries in /usr/lib - SDK installs the corresponding shell libraries in [input dir]/sgxsdk/lib64 shell libraries contain the declaration of the public APIs and are only needed for** building Intel SGX applications**. At runtime,the **standard user-space libraries** in /user/lib are loaded automatically --- --- **NOTE** - sample code in [input dir]/sgxsdk/SampleCode - uninstall intel SGX,run the corresponding scripts to uninstall the components in the following order - Uninstall intel SGX SDK - uninstall intel SGX PSW - uninstall intel SGX driver --- ## 3. Install SGX Eclipse plug-in(主要针对开发) help the enclave developer to maintain enclaves and untrusted related code inside Eclipse c/c++ projects ### 3.1 Prerequisites To use SGX Eclipse Plug-in,install the following softwares: - Eclipse Mars 1 with CDT IDE for C/C++ Developpers(version4.5.1) - JDK or JRE version 1.8 or above ``` sudo apt-get install default-jdk(jdk contains jre) add the env variable in /etc/environment JAVA_HOME ``` - gcc/g++ tools - Openssl - SGX SDK for Linux OS ### 3.2 Installation install SGX Eclipse Plug-in as a regular Eclipse Plugin: - Download the SGX Eclipse Plug-in from [ SGX eclipse plug-in]( - Help menu -> Install New Software.**Add** button for the Work with field to open the **Add Repository** dialog as shown in the following graphic: <center>  </center> - Enter *Intel(R) SGX Archive* in the Name field. *Archive* button and select the location of the downloaded archive as shown in the following graphic: <center>  </center> - Ok to add the archives as a repository - **Install** dialog select **Intel(R) Software Guard Extensions Plugin** check-box and proceed with the usual steps ### 3.3 Configuration - Window menu --> Preferences .Enter **Intel(R) SGX** in the filter text field to quickly locate the** Intel(R) SGX Preferences **Page <center>  </center> - Enter the path for Intel SGX SDK for Linux OS in the Intel(R) SGX SDK Directory field
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