2017-06-29 00:29:28    308    0    0
## 目的 1. 启发学生数学兴趣 2. 发散性思维 3. 理解代数与几何作为数学的两个分支,联系紧密,在研究一个数学问题的时候,代数方法,几何方法各有有点。 代数的严谨,思路简单,几何的巧妙 所有的问题,从两个角度来分析,代数,几何 ##过平面上一点做圆的切线 > 定理1. 过圆外一点可以做两条圆的切线,过圆上一点可以做一条圆的切线,过圆内一点不存在圆的切线 注释: 我们试着用代数来证
2017-06-21 15:36:23    212    0    0
## 目的 1. 启发学生数学兴趣 2. 发散性思维 3. 理解代数与几何作为数学的两个分支,联系紧密,在研究一个数学问题的时候,代数方法,几何方法各有有点。 代数的严谨,思路简单,几何的巧妙 所有的问题,从两个角度来分析,代数,几何 ##过平面上一点做圆的切线 > 定理1. 过圆外一点可以做两条圆的切线,过圆上一点可以做一条圆的切线,过圆内一点不存在圆的切线 注释: 我们试着用代数来证
2017-02-27 21:31:22    222    0    0

 27/02 记录

    胡适 关于毕业的几条路



green ? 2016 ?    2016-03-22 23:40:23    223    0    0

    I will talk about 'étale fundamental group' , which Grothendieck defines on a scheme . This is analogy of the fundamental group of a topological space and  a generalization of the Galois group of a field. 

Section 1 

    We started with a topological space. For a good topological space X , we can defines the fundamental group π_1(X,x) as the homotopy class of loops start from a given point x , and there is a theorem says:" the category of covering space of X is equivalence to the category of π_1(X,x) sets"  

     In number theory, there is  Galios theorem  which is very similar to the previous theorem . Pick a field k , let G be the Galois group of k^(s)/k, the automorphism group of k^(s) that fixes k, here k^(s) is the separable closure of k. Galois theorem says there is a correspondence between the open subgroup of the G and the finite separable extension of k. 

   We formulate is in a categorical way: From a open subgroup H of G, we can get a continuous action of the group G on the